
Pronounced with a short vowel sound like ‘ee’ as in keep or like ‘ur’ as in urn or ‘i’ as in imp.

Ti is spoken like ‘ee’ in the first syllable of the compound bol TiTa. Go to TiTa.

Te is spoken like ‘ur’ in the second syllable of the compound bol KiTe. Go to KiTe.

Tit is spoken like ‘i’ with the second ‘t’ more like a stop of the tongue behind the teeth that a full ‘t’ sound. You can hear this in the compound bol Tit TaaKi. Go to Tit TaaKi

ti - tit - te

ti - tit - te

To play the sound

The stroke is executed in the same manner for each of these syllables.

As speed and proficiency of playing progress the three fingers may be reduced to just the middle and ring fingers and even the middle finger alone.